Thursday, January 19, 2006

Truthful World ?

When we were young our parents always taught us to speak the truth and to be honest.
Even the parents of today still do the same. Besides this, we are always told to mind our manners and behave ourselves, that is to be good at all times.
Basically you can say that every individual human in this world has been implanted in their innerselves the strength and urge of becoming a pleasant human being. Why are we different today?

In todays world people are lying everywhere. They lie to their parents, they lie to their family members, they lie to their friends, they lie to their employees, they lie to their spouses and they lie to their communities. So much so its hard to believe in anybody, even if a person is telling the truth. In the courts today lawyers will try to do whatever it takes to win a case, even if they knew their clients are lying. The police when a person is arrested due to an accident or any offence, will demand the suspect to admit to the offence, in order to close the case. Come elections politicians lie to the public in order to gain support by promising things they know they cannot keep. The world leaders lie in order to get their proposals approved by submitting false information to the UN. Captives are being abused but the authorities deny such things happening. Some people even lie to themselves by believing something to be good when actually it is not. Liars are everywhere today, and to find a truthful person is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Naturally when a person is a liar he or she can not be an honest person. You can lie all you want but you can never lie to your creator 'God' the creator of the universe , the world we live in, with everything in it, including you and me.

How many of us are actually going to 'Heaven' ? No one can answer that except the one 'God'.
With all the prophets from the begining of time until Muhammad s.a.w. , who preaches people to the righteous path for their own good, the people at large are still in conflict with each other till today. Everyone of them is saying they are right and the other is wrong. Some even try to change the teachings of the prophets to suit their own believes. Even in Islam it has been divided into many sects when actually there is only one Islam. There has been a lot of thoughts and ideas of teachers , ulamas and leaders implanted in the past. The young kids learning today do not know which is the right one. There is only one path to achieve true Islam and that is through the guidance of the 'Quran' and the 'Hadiths' of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Every individual Muslim must make an effort to do research on their own. They cannot fully believe a teacher or an ulama without making their own research. For eventually you will be unswerable to 'God' not them.


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