Saturday, January 28, 2006

ISLAM: Face the fact

There is only one 'God' the creator of all the universe, with all the planets, the sun, the moons and the stars including this world we live in. All these 'God's' creation has very specific functions and so are the humans in this world with everything that you see around you. They all respond to the command of the one 'God'....'Allah' . Everything that responds to the command of the one 'God' is ISLAM.
Would you believe if I were to say that each and every individual human born in this world is an ISLAM? The answer is yes they were, until their parents misguided them. Of course many non muslims will not want to agree with me. Its alright if they want to believe in their religion of their choice its up to them. Muslims are tought to be patient and to be tolerant. Its only when these people try to meddle in our islamic affairs that we will take the appropriate action. If the people in America or the Europeon countries take the the trouble to understand Islam the way a muslim must, they will be more understanding in their comments towards ISLAM or the Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless him and give him peace]. Freedom of expression or freedom of press is no excuse for anyone to humiliate the prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless him and give him peace]. In fact if you must know Muhammad [May Allah bless him and give him peace] is the most perfect human being ever born to this world. Anybody who writes or condemn the prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless him and give him peace] will live to regret it while they are still in this world.
The revelations of the Quran that the prophet brought to this world is complete and will stay relevant until the end of time. There is no individual or community that can write a complete 'book' like the 'Quran'. They can use up the ink as much as the volume of water in the seven seas and still will not have a complete book like the 'Quran'.
So watch it people , wether you believe or you don't believe in 'God', we muslims and the one 'God'....'Allah' is watching you. You cannot escape from 'God', He's got a 'chip' placed inside you and He knows where you are at any given time.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


As a human being we are able to realize and identify what is good and what is bad for us.
We will also have the ability to tap the resources available in this world and create things that are beneficial to us and to other humans. What I am getting at is that we humans have the intelligence beyond any other creatures in this world. We can acquire abandunce knowledge but we must have the discipline to guide ourselves with that knowledge. There is an answer to every question in our heads. It's a matter of how and where to look for it. When we are confronted with a problem or some kind of a bad situation we are able to detect it and solve it by means of our disciplined and guided individual minds.

What is happening today is that some so called humans do not want to be guided. They want to live a life of 'total freedom'. This 'total freedom' has caused the world to have a sick society of humans. Humans with intelligence but with the behavior of that of animals. These sick humans are trying to preach to the world their kind of 'total freedom', which actually means free sex.
Free sex between man and woman because they don't believe in marriage. The women who are in agreement to this kind of life are tossed around from men to men. They are worst than the prostitutes who give their services for their own survival. There are also those who have the preference of man to man and woman to woman relationships. I wonder if this is practiced by the animals. What can you say these people have a sick brain. They are trying hard to change the mind set of us humans to their kind of 'freedom'. The intelligence and knowledge they have acquired changed them into being a filthy sick human being. They are out to corrupt the young minds. What they look for is the lust for sex to satisfy their sexual fantasy. They do not value other people's lives, worst they do not value their own lives. They spread diseases all over the world, venereal disease, aids, gonorrhoea and other sexual related diseases. Today we see children being born to this world infected with these diseases. All because of humans who are selfish, sick and filthy with their lust for sex. Many babies are born fatherless because they don't believe in marraige. Can you imagine a child being brought up without parents? They do not take any responsibility whatsoever and they do not feel guilty at all. After all they are animals in the form of human beings.

Come to think of it, these people are hypocrites. They preach 'total freedom' but they are actually kidding themselves. When they were young they lived with their parents and therefore they are being guided by their parents rules. When they are in schools, colleges or universities they are guided by the rules and regulations of the institution. When they are out working they are guided by the rules and regulations of the administration they are attached to. In each country there is a constitution and these people has to abide by it. This actually means there is no total freedom. If there is any country in this world that constitutes total freedom they should realise by now that this freedom clause in their constitution is flawed. What I am trying to stress here is that these people preaching total freedom are actually preaching sexual freedom.
These animals in the form of humans cannot be accepted by any religion. They do not believe in 'God' the creator of the universe and the world we live in. They believe they exist by chance. They do not believe they have a creator. Nowadays they are able to voice out their ideology through some organisations like the freedom fighters, human rights activist, weman's liberation and other forms of organisations.

I call on all the other human race not to accept this concept of 'total freedom' or should I say sexual freedom. Stay away from these sick people. Some of them maybe influential preists, singers, writters or even politicians. They are out to destroy the human race and this world we live in. These degrading humans must be contained. They must not be allowed to preach and corrupt the younger generations. Leaders of the world should take note of this. If nothing is done to stop them they will destroy the future generations of this world.

Can you imagine what kind of life it would be when the children in the future do not have parents to give guidance. They do not know their parents and have no home to go back to.
Most probably they will be on the streets. What about the child born with infected disease. What kind of life is in store for him? All this as a result of this sick and filthy idoelogy of sexual freedom or 'total freedom'. These sick and filthy brained humans are seeking recognition in our humane society.
I pray to the one 'God' to save all the other humans and to protect us from these animals in human forms backed by the satan.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Truthful World ?

When we were young our parents always taught us to speak the truth and to be honest.
Even the parents of today still do the same. Besides this, we are always told to mind our manners and behave ourselves, that is to be good at all times.
Basically you can say that every individual human in this world has been implanted in their innerselves the strength and urge of becoming a pleasant human being. Why are we different today?

In todays world people are lying everywhere. They lie to their parents, they lie to their family members, they lie to their friends, they lie to their employees, they lie to their spouses and they lie to their communities. So much so its hard to believe in anybody, even if a person is telling the truth. In the courts today lawyers will try to do whatever it takes to win a case, even if they knew their clients are lying. The police when a person is arrested due to an accident or any offence, will demand the suspect to admit to the offence, in order to close the case. Come elections politicians lie to the public in order to gain support by promising things they know they cannot keep. The world leaders lie in order to get their proposals approved by submitting false information to the UN. Captives are being abused but the authorities deny such things happening. Some people even lie to themselves by believing something to be good when actually it is not. Liars are everywhere today, and to find a truthful person is like looking for a needle in a hay stack. Naturally when a person is a liar he or she can not be an honest person. You can lie all you want but you can never lie to your creator 'God' the creator of the universe , the world we live in, with everything in it, including you and me.

How many of us are actually going to 'Heaven' ? No one can answer that except the one 'God'.
With all the prophets from the begining of time until Muhammad s.a.w. , who preaches people to the righteous path for their own good, the people at large are still in conflict with each other till today. Everyone of them is saying they are right and the other is wrong. Some even try to change the teachings of the prophets to suit their own believes. Even in Islam it has been divided into many sects when actually there is only one Islam. There has been a lot of thoughts and ideas of teachers , ulamas and leaders implanted in the past. The young kids learning today do not know which is the right one. There is only one path to achieve true Islam and that is through the guidance of the 'Quran' and the 'Hadiths' of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Every individual Muslim must make an effort to do research on their own. They cannot fully believe a teacher or an ulama without making their own research. For eventually you will be unswerable to 'God' not them.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Read too much hatred on Islam

I have read too many blogs expressing hatred towards Islam, so I just feel that I have to focuss writting on Islam in a most simple way for it to be understood by all.
First of all Islam is not a religion. It is a fact, a reality as clear as the sky, the sea, the mountains and all that you see around you.
It is being tought as a religious study because we do not want to offend other religious practices. You can be in Islam and be a muslim or you can be out of it.
To be in Islam you have to realise, understand and accept that there is only one 'God', the creator of the universe, the world we live in, with everything in it, including you and me.
Being in Islam you must know how to worship 'God', how to ask his forgiveness, how to ask for 'His' guidance in order to earn 'His' blessings. This is shown by accepting 'Muhammad' the prophet [May Allah bless him and give him peace] who reveals the 'Quran' which consist the teachings of 'God' and the examples of previous encounters of other prophets before him.
Muhammad [May Allah bless him and give him peace] is the best example of a perfect human being.
If any of those who criticise Islam were really reading about the Prophet Muhammad [May Allah bless him and give him peace] they can very well understand Islam.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

The Human we are...

In my last blog I touched on the birth of human beings.
Human beings are the most perfect creation of 'God'.
'He' gives them a complete body with a head and limbs attached proportionately.
Though we have been categorised belonging to the group of mammals,
I personally feel that it is wrong. Anyway who am I to comment?
The difference of human beings and other animals is the special brain we have that 'God' has installed on each and every one of us.

We are able to think , reason and analyse things. We are independant and have the ability to create. We can aquire knowledge as much as we can and be a matured understanding person.
The qualities that 'God' possess is being transfered to the human being in proportion to his ability to cope with. 'God' will not burden him with too much of everything.
You can be refered to as a compassionate person but there are others who are much more compassionate than you. You may think you are the most knowlegeable person but there are others who are much more knowledgeable. This goes on and on each individual with their own unique gifts of 'God'. A family of brothers and sisters may have some similarity in them but still they do not have equal proportion of the gifts of 'God'.
These gifts from 'God' was given whilst you are in your mother's womb.

Here I list some of the list of gifts of 'God' :-
Compassionate, Merciful, Might, Protector, Majestic, Creator, Fashioner, Forgiver, Giver, Provider, Knowledgeable, Just, Awareness, Forgiving, Appreciative, Preserver, Mantainer, Generous, Watchful, Responsive, Embracing, Wise, Loving, Glorious, Witness, Truthful, Trusted, Strong, Firm, Praiseworthy, Finder, Noble, Unique, Able, Powerful, Acceptor, Repentance, Avenger, Pardoner, Fair, Gatherer, Enricher, Preventer, Guide and Patience.
All these are some of the qualities from 'God' given to us. [There are more.]
I may not have much knowledge as some of you might have but 'God' give me enough to write on.

In the course of our lives we develop some qualities which is made up of what we are. Such as confidence, egoist, selfish, arrogant, malicious, truthful, liar, contented, aggressive, successful, failure, pious, humble, concieted, defiance, devious, understanding, gentle, rough and so on.
What we are only we know. It is therefore the right of 'God' to question us in the hereafter as to what we have done to the gifts 'He' has given to us upon birth.

Think, ponder, contemplate for a few minutes about you yourself and there is a possibility that you will find the real you.

Some humans say 'seeing is believing'. They cannot see 'God' so they do not believe in 'Him'.
Imagine you in space and looking down at the world. Can you see a human? This pea brained human is questioning 'God' the creator of the universe?

That is how stupid and defiance some human's are .

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The life in you lives on...

The life in all of us is the 'mystical power' that has been entrusted by 'The One God'.

We were once a tiny cell amidst thousands of others carried by our fathers.
It is than transmitted to the ovary of our mothers when they got married.
This tiny cell got itself attached to the egg in the ovary. Thus a tiny clot was formed.
This clott then becomes a foetus. The feotus then grows into a perfect baby feeding
on to the nutrients it gets from the mother's womb.

For a period of nine months or so, a baby is born with all the features of a perfect
human being. The baby gives a first cry 'Aheeee' .
Have you ever wondered why an innocent 'clean' baby cries comming into this world?
Its as though the baby has some kind of information with regards to what can be expected
in the life ahead. 'God the all knowing' and our 'Creator' has preordained the destiny of
the child. Believe it or not, as our creator he is aware of all things, the past, the present
and the future. With the life given attached to a secrete mission to find the path back to "God'
and to go through the devious plots of the Satan, is something we can cry too.
Only 'God' knows.

The baby will then learn first of all from the parents, the family and the environment
around him. He will aquire knowledge as he grows into a young boy, teenager and
later a man. As a man he would have aquired knowledge enough to know where he
is heading. He will know his stand. Is he with 'God' or with the Satan.
'God the Compasionate, the Forgivimg' awaits you.

When your time is up an angel will visit you. The angel of death will seize your life
without any hesitation, not a second longer. You will then leave your body to others
for burial. Thus ends the task that 'God' has entrusted you with the life 'He' gave you.
No more pleadings or appeals, what you have done or said be it by way of action or
thoughts has been accounted for. All these reports will be forwarded to 'God' your 'Creator'.
You and you alone will be answerable to 'God'. 'He' takes back that mystical power of life
from you.

For those who do not believe in the existance of 'God', I can only describe them as
ignorant arragont fools. The evidence of 'His' presence is so real and is starring right in
your faces. It is therefore understandable that there must be a punishmnent for those who
disbelieve 'Him' or those who wronged 'Him' or those who are ungrateful to 'Him'. Besides
this, people who steal, rape, murder, cheat, lie or cause hurt and hardship or injustice to any other human being must be punished for their deeds. As the 'Creator' he knows what is
in store for them in 'Hell'.

For the believers I am sure there is a reward that awaits you. Your life will be a pleasant
one. 'God' knows what you love and what you like and the 'Heaven' you dwell will be just
right for you.

By way of reasoning and believing in 'God' , "Heaven' and 'Hell' do exist. "God' is Fair and
Just in his judgements on all humans and therefore must reward or punish them accordingly.
Our life therefore lives on and on even in the Hereafter.

I would like to appeal to all who read this blog of mine to pray to 'God', and seek forgiveness
for their loved ones who has passed away for they are alive somewhere only 'God' knows.

Sunday, January 08, 2006


What is 'Islam'?

Islam means to submit or obey to the one command without qeustion and without fail.

The universe with all its planets circling around the sun.
The sun producing heat, energy and light without exhaustion.
The Earth rotating on its axis.
The moon circling around the Earth.
The cyrcle of life that goes on and on in this world.
All this responding to the ONE command without question and without fail.
That is the command of the one 'God' the creator of all the universe, the world we live in with everything in it including you and me.

This is "ISLAM".

Friday, January 06, 2006

The begining of the human race..

The first human created by 'God' was Adam.
'God' than summoned all the Angels to bow and give due respect to this human male.
All the Angels gave their respects without question for they all abide to 'God's' command.
All but Satan or 'Iblis'.
'God' created Satan with fire and He created Adam with clay. Therefore Satan feels he is much more powerful and much more honourable than the human.
Thus starts the first ever conflict of this universe.
Satan was banished from the Heavens. He than made a strong condemnation that he will do all he can to hinder and block the human race from the true path of righteousness leading to 'God'.
Later 'God' created Eve another human of different gender, female. She is to be Adam's companion and wife.
Satan detects the weakness of this female human and slowly enticed her to eat the forbiden fruit.
Adam was also taken in by the wife's persuasion and took a bite. Thus he choked and that is why all males today has an Adam's apple in their throat.
'God' banish the both of them from the Heavens and put them down to this Earth of ours.
Thus the human race begins.
In this life on Earth we are to find the righteous path to 'God' and it will not be easy because there is Satan with his devious plans, thoughts and ideas making it difficult. He will not stop until he is sure that all humans are with him and not 'God'.
Satan will use anything and anybody as his tool to accomplish his plan.
The only way to be protected from Satan's trap is to ask for 'God's' help.
Turn to 'God' and be a righteous human being, my fellow humans. For only 'God' your creator can keep you safe from all the wrongs in this world we live in.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

'GOD' the creator of the universe, the world we live in, with everything in it, including you and me...

It is only logical that in everything there must be a begining.
Thus there must be a Supreme Power and Intelligence that have created this whole universe, and the world we live in.
The universe is created with its prescribed momentum as though it has a life of its own.
So is this world of ours and the moon that we see.
As humans living in this world, we are part of the momentum of life.
There is a cycle in almost everything that we see in this world.
Those who are too proud to admit the existance of 'God', call it the law of nature.
To me and for those who believe in 'God' says its 'God's Law'.
Face it for no human could have created the universe. Its impossible.
No human can call himself God, for he is also being created.
No human can make God out of wood, clay, stones, iron or out of any other substances that can be found in this world which is already being created. It does not make sense.
People in general are very intelligent and clever. They know how to analyse and reason out things for themselves, but when it comes to 'God' they become ignorant.
They prefer to follow their fore father's believes, no matter how ridiculous it may be.
It could be that all religion leads to 'The One God', but the followers had strayed away from the original teachings. Like making a statue of their teacher in rememberance and thus the later generations has taken those statues as God. Not many people really take time to study about their religion. Most of them follow whatever the elders do.
Do not be proud and arrogant towards 'God'. He is our creator and he knows what we think in our hearts and in our heads.
He provides us the abandance knowledge to enable us to mould the substances we find in this world and make it into something useful for our comfortable living. Yes, naturally there will be some peolpe who will want to use it for their own selfish reasons and it doesn't matter if other people die as long as they live and prosper out of it.
'God' is the nucleus of all Powers, the All-knowing and the creator of all things in this galaxy and other galaxies we know not of.
There is only one 'God', and the most correct word to discribe 'God' is the Arabic word 'Allah'.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

The moon is blue.

I have a brother who is one year older than me. His name is Mr. J, by the way I am Mr. M. I was very close to him when I was young. We were always together, and he always look out for me.
There was a time when we were eight or nine, we use to like songs by Elvis Presley, Cliff Richard, Paul Anka, Neil Sedaka and many more I just can't list here. Anyway at that time my brother was like getting interested in girls already. As for me I don't really care but all the same I will tag along with him all day. We are usually not alowed to go out of the compound of our house. Our parents were quite strict.
One day he told me he was interested in a girl, living in a house that is at the back of our house. That is Miss Z. I really do not know how he contacted her, but there were letters going through the fence, back and forth. I always look up to him like he's my idol, because to me he is the clever one. He use to have a song book all written in his own writting with all the decorative writtings and photos of singers. He would colour the song titles and to me its the most beautiful song book I have ever did seen. I tried doing my own but I just can't compete 'cos my writing was horrible. Anyway this letter writing relationship was going on for some time, and I understand they did meet each other in a few occations. I remember there was one time this girl did come to our house.
As a normal young boy I could sense that he was in love with this girl. He will talk about her, he will peek through the back window wishing to see a glimpse of her. Of course when getting a reply there will be the gleam in his face. Today I would say its just puppy love. All the same, that time in his life was a beautiful one and he manage to compose a song which I never could forget till today. It is a short one but full of meanings and for a boy at that time I think its cool. The song goes like this:

The moon is blue because of you,
The sun is red when you are sad,
The clouds are purple you don't like people,
The moon is blue.

This is all that I can remember.